How to change your bored Facebook look into a new one with Facebook Flat Design

Change your bored Facebook look into a fresh one with this Google Chrome extension Some of you may have been using Facebook day in day out a... thumbnail 1 summary

Change your bored Facebook look into a fresh one with this Google Chrome extension

Some of you may have been using Facebook day in day out and maybe bored with the same old drab Facebook look. Mark Zuckerberg and his team may not even be thinking of changing the age-old Facebook look but you can. If you are bored with how Facebook looks, this article will offer you an alternative.

For those who want to change how your Facebook looks on your Google Chrome, You can try out this amazing chrome extension called Facebook Flat.

Facebook Flat not only gives your Facebook a new flat refreshing look but also removes all type of Facebook ads from your timeline. The Facebook Flat extension also comes with a lot of extra features like who viewed your profile which allows you to see who visited your Facebook profile.

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